Pelajus Ponder Point

Heretical thoughts from a true believer.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Apostle's Creed #4

"I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
The Creator..."

I believe in Creation. I believe that God created this world in six days; not six eras, not six eons, six days.

I know that this brands me as an ignorant yahoo, a back-water bumpkin. Too bad. And yet, I have a lot of questions for those who deny God's creation. Please deal with any of the programs that are on Creation Moments. Where did the Lancet Fluke learn to develop its life cycle in the intestines of three different animals (cow, slug and ant)? How could that have possible developed?

For anyone with a truly open mind (with that, I exclude evolutionists), take a trip over to and check out their past programs. Each one is only about two minutes long and an easy download. If you are capable of wonder, you are in for a treat.

In the interim, I believe in God the Creator.