All Aboard!!
We have reached the place that the media has been saying, for some time now, that we have been headed towards. The place where politics dictates violence. With the shooting at the offices of the Family Research Council yesterday (8/15/12), we have arrived at the point where your political views are now the targets of would-be killers and thugs.
Why do I say we arrived here yesterday, and not before? After all, wasn’t the shooting of Democrat Gabby Giffords, in Arizona last year, political? No, it wasn’t, although the left and the media (I repeat myself) screamed that Sarah Palin and the Tea Party was to blame. Palin’s map, with gun sites over close elections, was cited as the reason for the coarsening of political dialog, and that she and the Tea Party were inciting violence and had made targets out of wonderful, sweet, water-walking Democrats.
I guess the fact that the shooter actually turned out to be a total loon, who had been on the radar of the Tucson Sheriff’s Department for a while didn’t really matter. After all, just because the boy was a loon didn’t meant that Sarah Palin didn’t inspire him. And even if she didn’t, why let that fact spoil a good attack line.

But, wait a minute. It turns out that there was no political connection at all in the Batman shootings, It seems that James Holmes, the loon, was known about for weeks, had been seeing a psychiatrist, who had reported him to the authorities. WHO DID NOTHING!!
And now we come to yesterday. Floyd Corbin, a volunteer at the DC Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual & Transgendered offices, legally purchased a gun in Virginia, five days prior, with intentional malice. He walked into the FRC lobby, tried to say that he was an intern at FRC, and when challenged by the security guard, said, “I don’t like your policies,” took out his gun and shot the guard.
This was political, intentionally political. Tony Perkins, president of FRC, and FRC itself, had taken a position supporting Chik-Fil-A in their stance against same-sex marriage. This LGBT volunteer bought a gun and tried to kill people because he didn’t like the policies of the FRC, and believed it was his right and duty to try to kill those whose politics he didn’t like.
So yes, we have arrived at the place that the liberal left has said that we were coming to: the time when one side will use violence to try to suppress the other. Only, it is the left doing the suppressing, using the violence to bully, to hurt and to try to silence the other side.
Labels: Brian Ross, Chick-Fil-A, Gabby Gifford, James Holmes, Jared Loughner, left wing media
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