Aren't Snow Days Grand
We had a snow storm come through the area last night, and today, all schools were closed in the Tidewater area of Virginia. Not having to go to work today, and having Monday off as well (MLK holiday), means that I have a four day weekend.
Snow outside, warmth inside. Makes me glad to be here. We just get so much on our plates that we don't have a chance to appreciate what it is that we have been given. Going to this meeting, doing that added task, volunteering for the next committee, preparing the next PowerPoint slide show, preparing a new article for the webpage, ad naseum, we don't get a chance to see what's around us.
Snow days make us stop and take time out from all this. You can't drive anywhere, the police don't want you out on the highways. There's nothing on TV except soap operas and the latest collection of crappy infomercials. There's nothing to do except make some tea or hot cocoa, look out the window and enjoy the kids playing in the snow.
Here's to great snow days.