Pelajus Ponder Point

Heretical thoughts from a true believer.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thanksgiving, the first

Ps. 68:6 God sets the lonely in families.

This is the week of Thanksgiving, and this week, I want to think and post about those things for which I am thankful. Today, as I sat in the 8:30 service of the church we are attending (, the congregation was challenged to think on this, and the first thing that popped into my mind was my family.

Funny, happy, loving. These are adjectives that come easily to mind when I think of my wife and kids. The times we spend together are the source of great pride and joy that I feel each day. I have often said that I were to die today, I could point to my family and say that I have made a difference in this world.

This morning, one of the lay leaders of the church spoke of the best and worst things that he has done in his life. He said that the best thing that he has ever done was to marry his wife. The worst thing he feels that he ever did was to neglect speaking of his faith in his home, with this children. He said that it isn’t enough to rely on church services and Sunday Schools to provide spiritual instruction, that he regretted not sharing his faith in his home. And I agree with him.

For the past year and a half, my wife, my kids and I spend time together, in the evening, sharing from the Bible, from our hearts, and about things in our lives. We are going to finish reading through the Bible together, for the first time, this year. We talk about the daily reading, I read from Our Daily Bread, and we listen to the daily Creation Moments (www. radio broadcast. As well, we go over verses that we have memorized and and are memorizing. We finish with a time of prayer, and I read from a children’s book from my library. (This last is at the insistence of my wife and daughters; I can think of no earthly reason for doing so.)

But it is during these times that I see my family at its best and at its looniest. And while we can’t claim that we are great spiritual giants, I can say that my family is one with God and one with each other.

And I can say, with David, “My cup overflows.”


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