Pelajus Ponder Point

Heretical thoughts from a true believer.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Beauty in Worship

“O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” Ps 96:9

As a member of Pentecostal/Charismatic churches for over 25 years, I know that we are known for exuberant worship. I have read many articles in Christian magazines and journals about how P/C churches have “taught the rest of the Church world to worship God.” There have been many articles I have seen about “worship wars,” the ongoing debate over using hymns from hymnals vs. praises choruses projected on walls and screens.

But this year I have become aware of something that is missing in our worship; at least, I felt it missing in my life.

I know that the verse above says that we are to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, and I wholeheartedly agree with that. (How could I disagree with the Bible?) But after visiting my family in Oregon this summer, I find that I truly miss an element of worship that the P/C wing of the Church know nothing about: Worshipping the Lord in Beauty.

While visiting my sister, I attended the church where she is a paid singer for the choir of a Presbyterian church in a suburb of Portland. Sitting in the back pew, I found myself overcome when the organist began playing an organ prelude by Bach. No words, no gospel slogan, just a grand pipe organ playing Bach. And tears began streaming down my face. My daughters looked at me askance, noticing that I wasn’t “normal.” Then when the choir marched in singing for the Introit (P/C’s look it up), I had to get my handkerchief out.

The following week, the girls and I attended a Musical Vespers at an historical church in Oysterville, WA (it’s on the Long Beach peninsula), where there was no preaching. The afternoon service, if it can be called that, consisted of prayers and music. We prayed, sang hymns and listened to classical music. For me, the Aaron Copland piece, Ching-a-Ring Chaw was the highlight.

And all this has got me thinking about what we P/C’s are missing. Oh, we can worship and get ourselves worked up. But are we, in our own way, just pleasing our own selves? Don’t get me wrong. I can’t begin to count the number of times that I have wept while singing choruses like, “As the Deer Pants For the Waters.” I have clapped and shouted during choruses of “Ill Fly Away.” I have bowed in awe while singing “I Exalt Thee.”

But, do we worship with beauty? Is there not a place for beauty in our services? I don’t know about others, but my visceral reaction to the beauty of the music and worship I experienced at these churches, and churches I have visited since I have returned, tells me that there must be. I know I miss beauty in today’s Pentecostal/Charismatic worship.


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